Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous guide – How to solve the colored stone puzzle in the Labyrinth.Best Characters Ode to Heroes – Guide to the top tier heroes.Lineage 2M Tips how to get Blue – Red – Purple Skill Book without spending lots of Adena.What’s new in Cities Skylines 2 – building countries, release date.Lineage 2M guide – information about mobs and drop.Lineage 2M guide – Item enchant and augmentation.Endless loading and freezing on screen download in Valorant – How to fix the bug.Lineage 2M – classes, abilities, stats and Trust quests.SnowRunner – how to access to online multiplayer.Tips, advice, and the skill can be pumped only time after time playing the game and studying their mistakes.Īnd Follow my twitch where you can ask any questions if you didn't found answers here Also, we advise you not to hesitate to use a smoke bomb – which will allow you to leave, or undercover to run up to some other player’s house.Recall once again, for boots, coat and axe – as soon as possible pump level 5 modifiers.Carefully study the delay before the strike, feel it, because the right time before the strike – the key to hitting.

One more note about the battle of axes.This will help the first to scrape together a more serious weapon. As soon as the appearance of Electronics – then immediately, immediately try to be as close to it and these locations.After all, if you get hit at least once, you’re likely to lose.